It seems like yesterday when the Samsung Galaxy S4 was introduced, an amazing smartphone with a lot of capabilities. And now, the Mobile World Congress is just around the corner, and word is on the street that Samsung will unveil the Samsung Galaxy S5 at the mega event. We have heard a lot about it, like it will have a QHD display, 4GB RAM, an IRIS scanner and what not. But that’s all rumor, how about something solid?
Yesterday at the Semiconductor and Display Technology Road-map Seminar 2014, Samsung revealed that they are working on a smartphone with AMOLED QHD (2560 x 1440) (psst, Galaxy S5) but that’s not it, they are also working on UHD AMOLED (3480 x 2160) display for future smartphones. A smartphone with such display, probably a dream of every Android fan, right?
Although, let’s enjoy the 4K display first, alright Samsung? We really hope to see the S5 at the MWC next month, what are your thoughts? Tell us about it in the comment box below. (androidguys)