OnePlus will be launching its very first smartphone on April 23rd, the company has informed us in a short email. Formed by ex-Oppo employee, OnePlus operates with the “Never Settle” mantra that presumes launching a no-compromise device. Rumored specs of the upcoming OnePlus One include a 5.5-inch 1080p screen, Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 quad-core chip, 13-megapixel Sony Exmor camera, global LTE connectivity support, 3,100 mAh battery, and 16 or 64 GB of internal storage. The first OnePlus’ phone will run customized version of CyanogenMod with few of the company’s own tweaks including voice wakeup capabilities.
All this will be available for less than $400 and users will be able to personalize their device by getting some custom swap covers that will be made of different kinds of materials such as of kevlar, denim and bamboo.
As far as we know, OnePlus hasn’t managed to convince a single big carrier to offer its phone and will rather sell it directly to users…(intomobile)
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